Avalon Beach House Pre School is licensed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities- previously known to many people as DoCS. The Department of Education and Communities regulates the operation of early childhood education and care services throughout the state. It also works with the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) in implementing the new National Quality Framework.
The National Quality Framework is aimed at standardising the delivery of early childhood education and care across Australia and continual quality improvement in early childhood settings nation-wide. The National Quality Framework includes the Education and Care Services National Law, the Education and Care Services National Regulations, the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standard.
2012 is the first year that early childhood education and care services will be assessed and given a rating under the new National Quality Standard. We are continually adding to our Quality Improvement Plan and are confident that we will exceed the National Quality Standard.
During our September 2015 assessment and rating of our service under the National Quality Framework in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010 (National Law) we received the second highest rating; Meeting National Quality Standard (M). As a team and a family community we are continually adding to our Quality Improvement Plan.